You know.
I love you.
And I know what they say.
"it's all butterflies and roses at this stage.
someday your love is going to mean so much more.
'Falling in love' is only the beginning'"
and so much more... I hear all that.
But all I can think is
how you open my doors
worry about what I want before you worry about what you want
How you sound so concerned when you're afraid you've hurt my feelings
and how I just want to hang on
That will go away. I know it will. It won't always be like that.
I may not always think everything you do is funny.
Or cute.
But I can't wait for our lives together to start.
for all of our differences to first clash, and then intertwine.
and for us to have all those moments together.
The special moments.
the painful moments.
the "i wanna strangle you" moments.
the happy moments.
the sad moments.
the every single moment of the rest of my life.
Not just mine, but yours too. Ours. to share.
*and I love you*