Tuesday, February 18, 2025

I guess this is growing up

I would like to say something profound about growing up. And that something is, it's fake. It's a farce. It's a fallacy. And probably some other F words too. It's something we made up in our minds to make ourselves feel better about hitting some arbitrary goal that maybe isn't actually important. Sure, as we get older, we do grownup things: Leave home Get married Get a good job buy a house buy a car buy real furniture get a dog have a kid or four Peel our own oranges. And we think, "well now I'm going to feel like a real adult." But guess what? There is no timeline on when we have to grow up, except the ones we put on ourselves. The most important thing you and I can learn as a grown up is this: You are going to make mistakes, sometimes big ones. You are going to say something stupid. You'll probably miss the golden window of time-value of money that starts when you're like, 9. You may alienate a friend. You won't ever feel like you know exactly what the right next step is. And you'll probably experience grief. BUT You are so loved. You can always apologize. The starting line is wherever you are at. You are amazing by being exactly who you are. And so many other cliches. Be kind to yourself. Try to enjoy the moment, don't let anxiety overcome. I believe in you. ~I won't try to argue, or hold it against you~