Too, too long.
It just seems like time flies by and if I forget to record things,
ZOOM, they're gone. Just like that.
In the past months, my baby has gotten into just about everything.
He's eaten deodorant, fallen off tables, climbed into his crib...
but not yet out. Thank goodness, not yet out.
In addition to my sweet boy, we found out that we will soon have a new addition to our family.
A baby girl.
Thank goodness my husband's default face makes you hope he won't punch you.
We're going to need that.
I want to reminisce about all the lovely moments I'm having with my boy, all the wonderful things he is doing, all the times he drives me nuts and melts my heart, but that is not where my writing is taking me today.
Today, my writing is taking me here. To you.
I came across the picture while looking at baby girl stuff today.
I just want to let you know, that I think of you every time I come across this sweet little poem.
This poem that, in your home, surrounds whoever walks into what is one of the most chaotic rooms that a home with five children has: the laundry room.
I think of how you lived this philosophy. You must have.
I mean, I know I never met you or anything. I wish I had, you seem like a wonderful woman. But I can tell you lived this tale of love, that you wove that love into the lives of your kids. You have two of the sweetest little girls I've ever met. And your boys.
Well, your boys are something else.
They are wild. They are crazy. They made me laugh and I had so much fun with them, even when there were days that I wanted to pull my hair out.
They were very, very loved. It was obvious then, and it is obvious now.
I know I only helped them out for a very short time, but in that short time, I learned many things I could not have learned without your influence.
Your kids talked about you pretty frequently. About things you did, stories they remembered of you, and sometimes, how much they missed you.
I know that you didn't really know me, and that we didn't really know each other, and that maybe it seems silly for someone who was not physically around to have such an impact on me.
But I feel I know you, just a little bit.
and I just want to tell you, thank you for helping me to see that the most important thing we do for our children, is love them and spend time with them. That is an invaluable lesson that I've learned from being with your kids, who were so deeply influenced by you. I hope I can love as purely as you did.
~*you'll never know, dear~*
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