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Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
You're my sweetheart
I always hear people tell me, "Enjoy these years while you have them, they go by fast" and similar things, about your tiny years.
It happened when you couldn't do a single thing for yourself.
It happened when you started smiling.
It happened when you first rolled over.
It's happened for everything you've done so far.
Now, my happy little monster, you're crawling around, getting close to walking, getting into everything, and you're just so busy being a beautiful beacon of smiling light in a world that can sometimes be a bit of a dismal place.
There are so many things about you that I do appreciate, and I just want to take some time to get it all out in the open before these times are long gone and I'm missing your sweet little face.
I absolutely adore the way that, when I'm in the bathroom, you crawl to the door, push it open and tentatively peek around the door to make sure I'm there. Then, once you verify that I am, indeed, there, you proceed to run your hands up and down the vent on the wall there, by the door, because you like the thrum-thrumming noise it makes.
I smile every time I hear your little hands and knees making their way across the floor, because even though it means my time for doing whatever it is I'm doing at the time has run out, it also means that pretty soon, that bright little smile is going to appear, you're going to pull yourself up on my leg, and stand there waving your little arms around until I pick you up.
Speaking of waving your arms, I love that. I love how you wave your arms when you're happy, when you want to be picked up, and sometimes, in these few weeks before you start to walk, when you take those first few nervous steps, you get so excited that you wave your arms until you fall down.
I think it's adorable (but I try not to laugh) that when I speak sternly to you, when I tell you, "no", that you look at me for a few seconds, and then smile, almost as if you know that by smiling, you can get me to smile.
And it almost works. Every time.
(my heart smiles every single time.)
I love your adventurous spirit. Let me tell you, you sure surprised me the other day when you grabbed the window sill and tried to climb the wall. You are just a fearless little boy.
I love that, no matter how cranky you are, when I put you in the water, you cheer right up, and crawl off into the water as if you don't need me, as if you've now forgotten completely who I am.
My heart just melts every time I come home from work and you reach your little arms out for me.
And I love it when you do it for your daddy too. I love how much you love your Daddy. I love how you know the sound of the door unlocking when daddy comes home, and you crawl towards the door saying, "Da. Da. Da." I love seeing your Daddy pick you up and play with you, and tell you how much he loves you, his little "Wubs".
You are going to grow up to be one smart, fun, sweet little guy.
You are loved more unconditionally than you will ever know, maybe until you become a parent.
It brings tears to my eyes, to think that I've been loved like this my whole life, and never understood it until now, to think how much capacity for love I've been blessed with, to give to you, all for you.
You are my sweetheart boy.
~*I've been trying to do it right~*
It happened when you couldn't do a single thing for yourself.
It happened when you started smiling.
It happened when you first rolled over.
It's happened for everything you've done so far.
Now, my happy little monster, you're crawling around, getting close to walking, getting into everything, and you're just so busy being a beautiful beacon of smiling light in a world that can sometimes be a bit of a dismal place.
There are so many things about you that I do appreciate, and I just want to take some time to get it all out in the open before these times are long gone and I'm missing your sweet little face.
I absolutely adore the way that, when I'm in the bathroom, you crawl to the door, push it open and tentatively peek around the door to make sure I'm there. Then, once you verify that I am, indeed, there, you proceed to run your hands up and down the vent on the wall there, by the door, because you like the thrum-thrumming noise it makes.
I smile every time I hear your little hands and knees making their way across the floor, because even though it means my time for doing whatever it is I'm doing at the time has run out, it also means that pretty soon, that bright little smile is going to appear, you're going to pull yourself up on my leg, and stand there waving your little arms around until I pick you up.
Speaking of waving your arms, I love that. I love how you wave your arms when you're happy, when you want to be picked up, and sometimes, in these few weeks before you start to walk, when you take those first few nervous steps, you get so excited that you wave your arms until you fall down.
I think it's adorable (but I try not to laugh) that when I speak sternly to you, when I tell you, "no", that you look at me for a few seconds, and then smile, almost as if you know that by smiling, you can get me to smile.
And it almost works. Every time.
(my heart smiles every single time.)
I love your adventurous spirit. Let me tell you, you sure surprised me the other day when you grabbed the window sill and tried to climb the wall. You are just a fearless little boy.
I love that, no matter how cranky you are, when I put you in the water, you cheer right up, and crawl off into the water as if you don't need me, as if you've now forgotten completely who I am.
My heart just melts every time I come home from work and you reach your little arms out for me.
And I love it when you do it for your daddy too. I love how much you love your Daddy. I love how you know the sound of the door unlocking when daddy comes home, and you crawl towards the door saying, "Da. Da. Da." I love seeing your Daddy pick you up and play with you, and tell you how much he loves you, his little "Wubs".
You are going to grow up to be one smart, fun, sweet little guy.
You are loved more unconditionally than you will ever know, maybe until you become a parent.
It brings tears to my eyes, to think that I've been loved like this my whole life, and never understood it until now, to think how much capacity for love I've been blessed with, to give to you, all for you.
You are my sweetheart boy.
~*I've been trying to do it right~*
Monday, April 29, 2013
I'm givin' you all my love
Before meeting me, my husband dated many girls.
Or rather, he went on lots of dates. With many girls.
Some of these girls straight up said "no" before he even got a chance to get the words out.
Some of them let him take them on a few dates before they told him, "you know, I was never really interested."
There were the honest few who went on one date and then said, "I just don't see it going anywhere, so I'm not going to waste your time."
Now let me tell you about my husband.
My husband is one of the sweetest, most compassionate people I've ever known.
While he may not understand women perfectly (by any stretch of the imagination), he does know how to treat a woman.
My husband opens doors for me.
He wakes up in the middle of the night to bring me water if I'm thirsty.
He rocks our sweet baby boy to sleep regularly.
He opens my door and kisses the tip of my nose before I get in the car.
He gets excited about my projects with me and, for the most part, listens to me ramble on and on about them.
He has set lofty goals for himself, and I've never met someone who worked harder to achieve them.
He is ambitious and driven and not, in the slightest bit, pretentious about his achievements.
He is intelligent but not haughty.
I could seriously go on and on but I think I'm just about past bragging point.
I would just like to say thank you to all those girls.
Your inability to look past a bit of awkwardness on the part of a young man has brought me years of future happiness.
It has given me my sweet baby boy.
It has given me the best husband I could ever have asked for,
someone I couldn't possibly have dreamed up,
and who I certainly don't deserve.
Some of you may be married and have children of your own already.
Yet others of you will spend the next several years complaining about how no one decent or normal ever asks you out.
Whoever and wherever you are, thank you (from me) for turning away from my now husband.
While it may have led to a few years of heartache for him, it has led us both - together - to an eternity of happiness.
I wish you all the best in life.
~*I won't give up~*
Or rather, he went on lots of dates. With many girls.
Some of these girls straight up said "no" before he even got a chance to get the words out.
Some of them let him take them on a few dates before they told him, "you know, I was never really interested."
There were the honest few who went on one date and then said, "I just don't see it going anywhere, so I'm not going to waste your time."
Now let me tell you about my husband.
My husband is one of the sweetest, most compassionate people I've ever known.
While he may not understand women perfectly (by any stretch of the imagination), he does know how to treat a woman.
My husband opens doors for me.
He wakes up in the middle of the night to bring me water if I'm thirsty.
He rocks our sweet baby boy to sleep regularly.
He opens my door and kisses the tip of my nose before I get in the car.
He gets excited about my projects with me and, for the most part, listens to me ramble on and on about them.
He has set lofty goals for himself, and I've never met someone who worked harder to achieve them.
He is ambitious and driven and not, in the slightest bit, pretentious about his achievements.
He is intelligent but not haughty.
I could seriously go on and on but I think I'm just about past bragging point.
I would just like to say thank you to all those girls.
Your inability to look past a bit of awkwardness on the part of a young man has brought me years of future happiness.
It has given me my sweet baby boy.
It has given me the best husband I could ever have asked for,
someone I couldn't possibly have dreamed up,
and who I certainly don't deserve.
Some of you may be married and have children of your own already.
Yet others of you will spend the next several years complaining about how no one decent or normal ever asks you out.
Whoever and wherever you are, thank you (from me) for turning away from my now husband.
While it may have led to a few years of heartache for him, it has led us both - together - to an eternity of happiness.
I wish you all the best in life.
~*I won't give up~*
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Every little thing - is gonna be all right
You know what's incredible?
Being a mom.
Okay I mean, don't get me wrong. Definitely don't be a mom before you have a dad to help you take care of the screaming, wiggling, projectile vomiting little thing that is a child.
But it's just the coolest feeling when that baby just wants you, when he reaches up his arms for you to pick him up, and stops crying when you hold him.
The coolest feeling when you are overcome with love for someone who has only been in your life 6 months, or 2 months, or one week.
All the cliches are true, you know.
It is a different love than anything you've ever felt before.
And you will most definitely be driven to the brink of madness, only to be coaxed back by a timid little smile from a tiny face that knows its driving you there.
That's not to say that there aren't amazing adventures to be had at all stages of life. I absolutely loved being single, had so much fun, made wonderful friends and did some great things. There was nothing quite like it.
But there really, also, is nothing quite like being a mother.
With that being said, I have found that I need to find things to do on this path I have chosen.
Mad Respect to the moms who can handle being at home with a small child all day, cooing and oohing and aahing and just loving them.
I do love, love, love my little sweetheart, but he is too young to play soccer or do any sports that would make me run around like a crazy soccer mommy, too young, really, to even want to play with other children yet.
I really have to work to keep myself busy.
I've started working, and I am loving my job. It's not too many hours, not yet anyway.
At first it broke my heart to have to close the door on that crying little face. But it's actually turned out to be a huge, huge blessing, because he's gotten used to being around his daddy, and his daddy plays with him every night until he falls asleep. Of course, then daddy just holds him and doesn't put him down because he wants me to see him when I get home ... we're still working out the kinks. And I absolutely love it.
Life is not perfect. Oh, there are most definitely bumps in the road.
But I'm choosing to dwell on the things that delight me.
~*This is my message to you~*
Mad Respect to the moms who can handle being at home with a small child all day, cooing and oohing and aahing and just loving them.
I do love, love, love my little sweetheart, but he is too young to play soccer or do any sports that would make me run around like a crazy soccer mommy, too young, really, to even want to play with other children yet.
I really have to work to keep myself busy.
I've started working, and I am loving my job. It's not too many hours, not yet anyway.
At first it broke my heart to have to close the door on that crying little face. But it's actually turned out to be a huge, huge blessing, because he's gotten used to being around his daddy, and his daddy plays with him every night until he falls asleep. Of course, then daddy just holds him and doesn't put him down because he wants me to see him when I get home ... we're still working out the kinks. And I absolutely love it.
Life is not perfect. Oh, there are most definitely bumps in the road.
But I'm choosing to dwell on the things that delight me.
~*This is my message to you~*
Thursday, April 4, 2013
It's better to feel pain than nothing at all
Something I've always hated about myself is that, when someone I know and love dies, I seem to always forget some of the best things about them.
These things come to me as time goes on, but at the time, I have a really hard time pulling up these memories to write down for their posterity or for their family at that time to remember them by.
As a little kid, I remember always wanting to be with Grandma. We would go visit my dad's parents, and I always wanted to be with Grandma Joan. Grandpa Phil would walk us down the hall to her room so we could wait outside for her, until she was ready to come out and play with us. It didn't occur to me until later that maybe my Grandpa could have said, "Well, why can't I play with you? Don't you want to play with me?" He never did that, though. He never seemed to mind how much we loved to play with my Grandma, I think he just loved that we loved our Grandma so much.
I have two parents who will drop anything for their family and their friends (who they consider to be family) to help them out with whatever it is that they need. They go above and beyond to do whatever they can do to help others. I did not realize that not everybody is like that until I was older, and that is such a good quality. My dad, I am certain, learned that from my Grandpa Phil. Grandpa was always doing something to be better. When my dad and his brothers were young, Grandpa Phil let the missionaries stay with them, back in the days when missionaries went without purse or scrip, whenever they needed a place to stay. One of the missionaries that remembers this wrote a book about his memories of the mission, and he seems to remember the Hoskins' in Newhall pretty well. Thanks to this missionary writing down those memories, Grandpa's kids and grandkids and great grandkids will always be able to know and remember just what a good and kind man Grandpa was.
Grandpa Phil wasn't always active in the Church. I feel like I can appreciate his membership in the church better because of all the years he spent inactive. He always exemplified what a follower of Christ should be like, even back in the days when he wasn't active in the church, even at times when I'm sure he met members of the Church who were making less than ideal decisions. This is the best legacy you can leave for your progeny, I think, to truly live the Shakespearean aphorism that says, "What e'er thou art, act well thy part." Grandpa really lived up to this. He isn't one of those people who you just say good things about after he dies, because I've always loved my Grandpa my whole life and could not really think of one bad thing to say about him. Not to say that he's perfect, and maybe those closer to him could think of a few of his mistakes, but boy do I love him, and I'm so grateful to be one of his grandkids.
I just can't imagine this world without Grandpa. He used to take us fishing and tell us all about rocks and dinosaur bones and show us all of the things he used to find. Once, while fishing with him, I pointed out something to him that in my mind was kind of silly. He told me that I'd just made an analogy, which is comparing something to something else, and from then on my silly little analogies didn't seem so silly anymore. Grandpa loved me, he loved all of his grandkids. I called Grandma Joan to leave her a message the other day, to tell her I love her, and picturing that house and that beautiful view of the lake without Grandpa there.... it just doesn't quite seem to match up, I haven't really comprehended it just yet.
I know Grandpa Phil is happy. His body was starting to fail, as all of ours will eventually. A couple of weeks after my Jax was born, Grandpa fell and broke his hip. He's an independent kind of fellow, and I don't think he particularly liked the surgery he had to have, the drugs he had to take, or all the help he needed after that. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for my Grandpa, and that he is waiting anxiously for my Grandma, for when she can do his work with him. His mind is clear and I do think that his spirit is probably rejoicing in being free of his ailments. I know he will miss us, he loves us so much, but time will go fast for him with all the work he has, and soon we will all be reunited.
I am so full of happiness for the life of my Grandpa, and sad that the rest of my life will be spent only with my memories of him. I hope that I do not forget these things, hope that I have the presence of mind to write them down as I remember them so my kids can know what a beautiful life their great-Grandpa led. I hope that they can model their lives after his, and that we can all become better because of those who are before are us.
I cannot express how deeply grateful I am for God's plan. This Easter, Christ's resurrection has special meaning for my family, as it is evidence that we will see my Grandfather again, and that time is not too far off. This Easter is evidence of Christ's love for each of us, for my grandparents, for my parents, for me and my husband, and for my little son, that each of us can be together sealed as a family, and with our bodies whole and perfect, because of His love for us, and His unfathomable sacrifice.
For you, Grandpa Phil. Since we can't all be together, this is my virtual toast to the wonderful life you led. I love you and while I can wait to see you again, I will always look forward to it my whole life.
~~Keep your head up~~
These things come to me as time goes on, but at the time, I have a really hard time pulling up these memories to write down for their posterity or for their family at that time to remember them by.
As a little kid, I remember always wanting to be with Grandma. We would go visit my dad's parents, and I always wanted to be with Grandma Joan. Grandpa Phil would walk us down the hall to her room so we could wait outside for her, until she was ready to come out and play with us. It didn't occur to me until later that maybe my Grandpa could have said, "Well, why can't I play with you? Don't you want to play with me?" He never did that, though. He never seemed to mind how much we loved to play with my Grandma, I think he just loved that we loved our Grandma so much.
I have two parents who will drop anything for their family and their friends (who they consider to be family) to help them out with whatever it is that they need. They go above and beyond to do whatever they can do to help others. I did not realize that not everybody is like that until I was older, and that is such a good quality. My dad, I am certain, learned that from my Grandpa Phil. Grandpa was always doing something to be better. When my dad and his brothers were young, Grandpa Phil let the missionaries stay with them, back in the days when missionaries went without purse or scrip, whenever they needed a place to stay. One of the missionaries that remembers this wrote a book about his memories of the mission, and he seems to remember the Hoskins' in Newhall pretty well. Thanks to this missionary writing down those memories, Grandpa's kids and grandkids and great grandkids will always be able to know and remember just what a good and kind man Grandpa was.
Grandpa Phil wasn't always active in the Church. I feel like I can appreciate his membership in the church better because of all the years he spent inactive. He always exemplified what a follower of Christ should be like, even back in the days when he wasn't active in the church, even at times when I'm sure he met members of the Church who were making less than ideal decisions. This is the best legacy you can leave for your progeny, I think, to truly live the Shakespearean aphorism that says, "What e'er thou art, act well thy part." Grandpa really lived up to this. He isn't one of those people who you just say good things about after he dies, because I've always loved my Grandpa my whole life and could not really think of one bad thing to say about him. Not to say that he's perfect, and maybe those closer to him could think of a few of his mistakes, but boy do I love him, and I'm so grateful to be one of his grandkids.
I just can't imagine this world without Grandpa. He used to take us fishing and tell us all about rocks and dinosaur bones and show us all of the things he used to find. Once, while fishing with him, I pointed out something to him that in my mind was kind of silly. He told me that I'd just made an analogy, which is comparing something to something else, and from then on my silly little analogies didn't seem so silly anymore. Grandpa loved me, he loved all of his grandkids. I called Grandma Joan to leave her a message the other day, to tell her I love her, and picturing that house and that beautiful view of the lake without Grandpa there.... it just doesn't quite seem to match up, I haven't really comprehended it just yet.
I know Grandpa Phil is happy. His body was starting to fail, as all of ours will eventually. A couple of weeks after my Jax was born, Grandpa fell and broke his hip. He's an independent kind of fellow, and I don't think he particularly liked the surgery he had to have, the drugs he had to take, or all the help he needed after that. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for my Grandpa, and that he is waiting anxiously for my Grandma, for when she can do his work with him. His mind is clear and I do think that his spirit is probably rejoicing in being free of his ailments. I know he will miss us, he loves us so much, but time will go fast for him with all the work he has, and soon we will all be reunited.
I am so full of happiness for the life of my Grandpa, and sad that the rest of my life will be spent only with my memories of him. I hope that I do not forget these things, hope that I have the presence of mind to write them down as I remember them so my kids can know what a beautiful life their great-Grandpa led. I hope that they can model their lives after his, and that we can all become better because of those who are before are us.
For you, Grandpa Phil. Since we can't all be together, this is my virtual toast to the wonderful life you led. I love you and while I can wait to see you again, I will always look forward to it my whole life.
~~Keep your head up~~
Friday, February 8, 2013
You may not know it now...
Jax is 5 months old!
Crazy how fast five months can go by, and yet how it seems like I've known this tiny little human forever. Seriously, I can't even imagine what life would be like without him. There's a reason for that cliché. Because it rings true to every good parent.
I had a birthday yesterday, so that was fun. Justin got me a hand mixer! which we really needed and will be very helpful. Pauly made me a cake =)
I had a job interview at the hospital which I thought went pretty well.
Well, it went well besides the fact that I was ten minutes late (biggest interview no-no ever).
Did you know that babies can choose when to explode their pants and get it all over their clothes?
Yeah, at the most inconvenient times ever. Like right before a job interview for a job you really, really want.
I guess that's the life you sign up for when you become a mom. And you just do your best to grit your teeth and say, "I'm gonna miss this."
Also, my computer broke. Which is why I haven't blogged as much as I've wanted to lately. The G, H, backspace, 8, and apostrophe are broken. It's really annoying, but thanks to my brother who let me use his computer so I could get my blog fix =)
It's really fun having my brother here with us. Justin loves having him. He is fun and he makes the day not so monotonous. For now. He's gonna be working soon so I'll be back to doing the things mommies do all day. Which is sitting with baby. And playing with cranky baby. And putting said baby to sleep. trying to clean up, get things done, and cooking (which is probably my favorite part of the job, I love cooking).
It's been a busy few days. But I think we're getting back to normal now, so we'll have to start finding things to do.
Whitney came to visit this morning =) So much fun! I just love her, it was really nice to see her.
I've started reading Pride and Prejudice. The Sarah M. Eden regency romance novels have prepared me better for it this time. It's so much easier to get through now, whereas before they were kind of like slogging through mud. I highly recommend Sarah Eden if you haven't read her books before. Her website is here and she's awesome. If you like romance novels. Which I do. (and no, 50 shades of Grey is not romance. It's erotica =p)
We're on the downward slope to spring! Ah, so excited for that first warm, perfect day when the blossoms start to show up on the trees and the sun first warms your skin. That is the day that makes the whole long winter worth it.
Better go take care of that screaming child. I just love him.
~*You're gonna miss this~*
Crazy how fast five months can go by, and yet how it seems like I've known this tiny little human forever. Seriously, I can't even imagine what life would be like without him. There's a reason for that cliché. Because it rings true to every good parent.
I had a birthday yesterday, so that was fun. Justin got me a hand mixer! which we really needed and will be very helpful. Pauly made me a cake =)
I had a job interview at the hospital which I thought went pretty well.
Well, it went well besides the fact that I was ten minutes late (biggest interview no-no ever).
Did you know that babies can choose when to explode their pants and get it all over their clothes?
Yeah, at the most inconvenient times ever. Like right before a job interview for a job you really, really want.
I guess that's the life you sign up for when you become a mom. And you just do your best to grit your teeth and say, "I'm gonna miss this."
Also, my computer broke. Which is why I haven't blogged as much as I've wanted to lately. The G, H, backspace, 8, and apostrophe are broken. It's really annoying, but thanks to my brother who let me use his computer so I could get my blog fix =)
It's really fun having my brother here with us. Justin loves having him. He is fun and he makes the day not so monotonous. For now. He's gonna be working soon so I'll be back to doing the things mommies do all day. Which is sitting with baby. And playing with cranky baby. And putting said baby to sleep. trying to clean up, get things done, and cooking (which is probably my favorite part of the job, I love cooking).
It's been a busy few days. But I think we're getting back to normal now, so we'll have to start finding things to do.
Whitney came to visit this morning =) So much fun! I just love her, it was really nice to see her.
I've started reading Pride and Prejudice. The Sarah M. Eden regency romance novels have prepared me better for it this time. It's so much easier to get through now, whereas before they were kind of like slogging through mud. I highly recommend Sarah Eden if you haven't read her books before. Her website is here and she's awesome. If you like romance novels. Which I do. (and no, 50 shades of Grey is not romance. It's erotica =p)

Better go take care of that screaming child. I just love him.
~*You're gonna miss this~*
Sunday, January 27, 2013
You make me happy
I think every girl needs a daddy.
~*We could lay here for hours and just reminisce~*
I mean, okay, boys need dads too. Dads help them learn to grow up, to not only be a man, but be a gentleman, and learn all the stuff that men need to know.
But... well this is what brought this on. I was thinking about my first birthday home from my mission the other day. My dad took me to Wal Mart so that he could buy me a Bruno Mars CD, because that is what I wanted (a year and a half without real music will do that to you). It wasn't there, so he took me to 2 other Wal Marts in different parts of town to find it.
FYI: Wal Mart is the only store that I know of that edits the crap out of their music. Meaning, you don't have to hear unnecessary swearing or vulgarity if you buy your music there.
This is the kind of thing that Daddies will do for their girls. I'm not even a little girl anymore and I still feel like my Dad would do anything for me, and I think all girls need to feel like this. Like they're loved, like they're special, like they deserve someone who would do anything for them. I believe that many of the self esteem issues in the world could be solved by a good dad. And of course, my Daddy would not be nearly as good without my mom. I definitely think there's some truth to the old adage, "Behind every good man is a good woman," whether it be his wife, his mother, both or another good woman, there is some definite wisdom there. Chivalry is not dead. And no one is as chivalrous good dads are to their little girls.
In other news, we tried cloth diapers this week. For half a day. Definitely a disaster, and only due partially to the diapers. As informed as I try to be about things I do for my son, and as much as I've read about different kind of cloth diapers, I somehow missed a major discussion somewhere that said you need to put a plastic diaper cover over the cloth. Because every person I've talked to about my experience either laughed or shook their heads and said, "you're gonna need to use a plastic cover." Needless to say, huge messes ensued, taking out my pants, Justin's pants, the floor, two of Jackson's outfits, and our couch - twice - in about a 4 hour period. If I can talk my husband into a next time, we are going to try some better quality cloth combined with diaper covers from now on. Only, if the purpose of doing it is because the diaper is more breathable, I don't see how putting plastic over it would be any better than disposable... I guess I'm just a little out of the loop on this one.
But he's starting to be able to stand on his own, and that's adorable:
~*We could lay here for hours and just reminisce~*
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
It beats for you, so listen close
Drops of Awesome
A friend posted this on her blog and I wanted to share it, I seem to be finding myself amidst alot of peptalks today. Miss Jessica (who I don't know) reminded me this morning of the power of positive thinking.
So like I said, lots of peptalks coming my way today. Which brings me to my next point.
Last week I got a text from a number that I did not recognize, informing me of a quilting project that was going on at a ward member's house that morning. Of course, me being the ever-too-cool person that I am, I thought,
Quilting? really? are we 70? Retired?
and then I thought, oh man. a chance to be with people my own age. Who are women.
and right then, just right then, the desire for human contact over the age of ... well, 4 months, and better even, FEMALE human contact, overrode my need to be cool. Thank goodness! Because I got to spend some time with a bunch of the really cool ladies in my ward, who I found out, contrary to my judgmental mindset, were NOT 70, NOT retired, and were actually kind of awesome. Also, I made this:
How cool is that? afterward I spent about 2 days trying to convince my husband to buy me a sewing machine. And he spent 2 days patiently explaining that right now, law school is more important than a sewing machine. Although I think I could still talk him into it if I find one that's inexpensive enough. Those things can be pretty handy to have around, if you know how to use them. Which I don't.
But I can learn! and now I want to =)
Jax sat up last night! We took video of it. Actually, I take excessive amounts of videos, it's a little ridiculous... but not alot ridiculous. I really want to remember everything about him, because he's growing so fast. In fact, He's sitting on my lap as I type this, chewing on my sweater strings. He could not do that a month ago. He also could not scream at my face a month ago, an action that I occasionally find obnoxious but usually just find hilarious. I hope that I can appreciate all of my kids as much as I love this little one. I know he's my only one, but I don't want to have an inordinate amount of pictures of Jax and a miniscule amount for my other 5.
I always say 6 kids, watch me have 2. But I think there are 5 more out there for me =)
My son is being a monkey right now. He just launched himself from a sitting position on one end of the couch at me sitting in the middle of the couch, to a standing position. He can stand if he's holding on to something. Usually my hair.
Love these days.
~*turn me up when you feel low~*
A friend posted this on her blog and I wanted to share it, I seem to be finding myself amidst alot of peptalks today. Miss Jessica (who I don't know) reminded me this morning of the power of positive thinking.
So like I said, lots of peptalks coming my way today. Which brings me to my next point.
Last week I got a text from a number that I did not recognize, informing me of a quilting project that was going on at a ward member's house that morning. Of course, me being the ever-too-cool person that I am, I thought,
Quilting? really? are we 70? Retired?
and then I thought, oh man. a chance to be with people my own age. Who are women.
and right then, just right then, the desire for human contact over the age of ... well, 4 months, and better even, FEMALE human contact, overrode my need to be cool. Thank goodness! Because I got to spend some time with a bunch of the really cool ladies in my ward, who I found out, contrary to my judgmental mindset, were NOT 70, NOT retired, and were actually kind of awesome. Also, I made this:
How cool is that? afterward I spent about 2 days trying to convince my husband to buy me a sewing machine. And he spent 2 days patiently explaining that right now, law school is more important than a sewing machine. Although I think I could still talk him into it if I find one that's inexpensive enough. Those things can be pretty handy to have around, if you know how to use them. Which I don't.
But I can learn! and now I want to =)
Jax sat up last night! We took video of it. Actually, I take excessive amounts of videos, it's a little ridiculous... but not alot ridiculous. I really want to remember everything about him, because he's growing so fast. In fact, He's sitting on my lap as I type this, chewing on my sweater strings. He could not do that a month ago. He also could not scream at my face a month ago, an action that I occasionally find obnoxious but usually just find hilarious. I hope that I can appreciate all of my kids as much as I love this little one. I know he's my only one, but I don't want to have an inordinate amount of pictures of Jax and a miniscule amount for my other 5.
I always say 6 kids, watch me have 2. But I think there are 5 more out there for me =)
My son is being a monkey right now. He just launched himself from a sitting position on one end of the couch at me sitting in the middle of the couch, to a standing position. He can stand if he's holding on to something. Usually my hair.
Love these days.
~*turn me up when you feel low~*
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sure feels good
It's funny how many little things I notice with Jax now. It's almost like when you start falling in love, how you notice dumb little details about a person.
Like how they wipe their nose all the time, or flex their jaw whenever they're thinking hard.
With Jax I notice little things, like how his lips pucker up like a little duck when he first stretches in the morning.
Or how he gets this coy smile when you smile at him, and then turns his head away like he's shy.
Also, I love the way that he pouts - he sticks out his bottom lip when he's about to cry and gets the saddest little face that would just break your heart.
It really is like falling in love with this tiny person who you get to know before anyone else gets to know him.
Some days he just sits there and screams, not crying, just yelling. Personally, I think he's singing. But I guess we'll see what he's actually doing as he grows older and learns to talk =)
We had a really good weekend visiting with my parents. We really only got one full day with them, but it was so nice and so worth it.
We got to take a few pictures with them, so hopefully we can post one of those up, they turned out really nice.
We stayed with really close family friends who live kind of in the middle. All 9 of us. (There are 9 of us now, can you believe that?)It was really cool of them to be able to take all 9 of us in, like having family you can always count on.
I mean, seriously, even family sometimes might balk at 7 adults, a teenager and a baby. But not these guys. It was a big party.
In other news, I can't wait for spring. Don't you just love that first day of warmth after a long long winter?
I just love feeling the warmth on my skin that first day, the feeling that everything starts anew and especially the anticipation of summer, and swimming, and days in the park, and camping.
AND it's my baby's first time getting to experience all that, so that adds another exciting aspect to it =) Just can't wait. Life is fantastic.
~*so things can change~*
Like how they wipe their nose all the time, or flex their jaw whenever they're thinking hard.
With Jax I notice little things, like how his lips pucker up like a little duck when he first stretches in the morning.
Or how he gets this coy smile when you smile at him, and then turns his head away like he's shy.
Also, I love the way that he pouts - he sticks out his bottom lip when he's about to cry and gets the saddest little face that would just break your heart.
It really is like falling in love with this tiny person who you get to know before anyone else gets to know him.
Some days he just sits there and screams, not crying, just yelling. Personally, I think he's singing. But I guess we'll see what he's actually doing as he grows older and learns to talk =)
We had a really good weekend visiting with my parents. We really only got one full day with them, but it was so nice and so worth it.
We got to take a few pictures with them, so hopefully we can post one of those up, they turned out really nice.
We stayed with really close family friends who live kind of in the middle. All 9 of us. (There are 9 of us now, can you believe that?)It was really cool of them to be able to take all 9 of us in, like having family you can always count on.
I mean, seriously, even family sometimes might balk at 7 adults, a teenager and a baby. But not these guys. It was a big party.
In other news, I can't wait for spring. Don't you just love that first day of warmth after a long long winter?
I just love feeling the warmth on my skin that first day, the feeling that everything starts anew and especially the anticipation of summer, and swimming, and days in the park, and camping.
AND it's my baby's first time getting to experience all that, so that adds another exciting aspect to it =) Just can't wait. Life is fantastic.
~*so things can change~*
Monday, January 14, 2013
Lightning strikes the heart...
I really love going back and reading the things that I've written.
I don't write enough for it to be a real accounting of things that have happened, but I should. Maybe that's one of those things I should add to a long list of goals I need to accomplish. Keep a consistent journal. Or blog at least twice, weekly.
Jax is doing so many new things every day! Right now his daddy is holding him, and Justin is in constant awe of Jax's ability to gnaw on his fingers. The minute you pick him up, he wants to stand on you. And the minute he stands on you, he wants to gnaw on your hands. Crazy baby. This week has been a week of milestones for him. He's learned to roll over and giggle! which, can I just say, is super adorable. here is a video of his cute giggling. He's so much fun to play with. Ah, I just love being a mommy. It is so fun. It's so funny because I can't stop taking videos, and pictures, and just trying to record all of the things he does, so we can look back on it later and enjoy it, to just remember. He's growing so fast and I just never want him to grow up. I know he has to. It's so sad for me to think about, even now with him so little, him going to his first day of kindergarten, or going to middle school (okay that's the scariest one for me), or graduating from high school, driving, buying a car, going to college.... I just want everything that was ever good for him. I'm not always going to be able to baby him, though. I'm going to have to let go someday. So I'm just holding on as tight as I possibly can right now, trying to enjoy everything (yes, the crying included... not really succeeding on that front, though).
I feel like even though those milestones are scary to think about, I have so much time. and when all of my six beautiful babies are out of the house, I have a really fun husband who will surely entertain me. He does now. Yesterday he cracked me up, because he was telling me that he texted his parents to tell them that Jax rolled over. His dad texted back "cool." and his mom texted back "Now you need to be very careful about putting him on elevated surfaces." and Justin tells me, "I guess we better not tell her that that's how we found out." (I was seriously like, two feet away trying to find a pen.) I am a very blessed wife and mother. Even though our baby is going to have to live through some of our trial and error. And we are probably going to have to live through some of each others' interesting quirks. It is a good life.
~*brighter than the sun~*
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Justin trying to keep Jax from eating him. |
Jax is doing so many new things every day! Right now his daddy is holding him, and Justin is in constant awe of Jax's ability to gnaw on his fingers. The minute you pick him up, he wants to stand on you. And the minute he stands on you, he wants to gnaw on your hands. Crazy baby. This week has been a week of milestones for him. He's learned to roll over and giggle! which, can I just say, is super adorable. here is a video of his cute giggling. He's so much fun to play with. Ah, I just love being a mommy. It is so fun. It's so funny because I can't stop taking videos, and pictures, and just trying to record all of the things he does, so we can look back on it later and enjoy it, to just remember. He's growing so fast and I just never want him to grow up. I know he has to. It's so sad for me to think about, even now with him so little, him going to his first day of kindergarten, or going to middle school (okay that's the scariest one for me), or graduating from high school, driving, buying a car, going to college.... I just want everything that was ever good for him. I'm not always going to be able to baby him, though. I'm going to have to let go someday. So I'm just holding on as tight as I possibly can right now, trying to enjoy everything (yes, the crying included... not really succeeding on that front, though).
I feel like even though those milestones are scary to think about, I have so much time. and when all of my six beautiful babies are out of the house, I have a really fun husband who will surely entertain me. He does now. Yesterday he cracked me up, because he was telling me that he texted his parents to tell them that Jax rolled over. His dad texted back "cool." and his mom texted back "Now you need to be very careful about putting him on elevated surfaces." and Justin tells me, "I guess we better not tell her that that's how we found out." (I was seriously like, two feet away trying to find a pen.) I am a very blessed wife and mother. Even though our baby is going to have to live through some of our trial and error. And we are probably going to have to live through some of each others' interesting quirks. It is a good life.
~*brighter than the sun~*
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Goodnight, my angel.
I came to a stunning realization in a mall in Colorado last week.
Colorado being the home of some of the more deadly shootings that have happened in the recent past, you can understand how this particular incident would set my nerves on edge.
As we were walking on the second story of the Centennial mall near Denver, we all suddenly heard the voice of a panicked man echoing off of the walls.
Probably because of the high ceilings and what the walls are made out of, the voice seemed to bounce around for miles. My heart immediately started racing and I looked for the nearest safe haven. In the past my mind might immediately have gone to how I could be a hero, but having a child really changes all of that. I rehearsed how I would protect my baby should I find myself in the middle of gunfire or anything similar.
Probably, it was just a man who had lost his daughter and could only think of one good way to find her: yell for her. I'm sure he didn't think of the panic he could possibly incite, and thankfully his yelling quieted soon after it started.
I feel sad that we have to live in a world where that is the first place our mind goes. Not helping this panicked man, not even wondering what he was yelling about or trying to help him. Simply finding a place to hide, finding safety, our most basic need.
I often reflect on how the death of a loved one would change me. Sometimes I work myself up so much over all the things that could happen to my sweet baby boy.
It's those times that I'm so grateful for God's plan for us.
So grateful knowing that no matter what happens, God, in His infinite wisdom, has provided a way for us to be together. I do believe that God is a merciful, loving God, and that He will provide a way for all of us to have those we love when this life is over.
I just ache for those families in Connecticut that had to go through incomprehensible horror. Not only those parents who were dealt the crushing blow of learning their sweet little ones were victims of unconscionable hate, but also those parents who waited in the wings to find out if their babies had made it out okay, only to have to explain something no parent should ever have to explain, and something no child should ever have to comprehend.
But I do think, that amidst the horror of things like this, there comes an undefinable beauty to life, if we choose to find it, to look for it, and to embrace it.
and that, in itself, is undeniable evidence of our Father in Heaven's love for us.
so cool.
~I will never be far away~
Colorado being the home of some of the more deadly shootings that have happened in the recent past, you can understand how this particular incident would set my nerves on edge.
As we were walking on the second story of the Centennial mall near Denver, we all suddenly heard the voice of a panicked man echoing off of the walls.
Probably because of the high ceilings and what the walls are made out of, the voice seemed to bounce around for miles. My heart immediately started racing and I looked for the nearest safe haven. In the past my mind might immediately have gone to how I could be a hero, but having a child really changes all of that. I rehearsed how I would protect my baby should I find myself in the middle of gunfire or anything similar.
Probably, it was just a man who had lost his daughter and could only think of one good way to find her: yell for her. I'm sure he didn't think of the panic he could possibly incite, and thankfully his yelling quieted soon after it started.
I feel sad that we have to live in a world where that is the first place our mind goes. Not helping this panicked man, not even wondering what he was yelling about or trying to help him. Simply finding a place to hide, finding safety, our most basic need.
I often reflect on how the death of a loved one would change me. Sometimes I work myself up so much over all the things that could happen to my sweet baby boy.
It's those times that I'm so grateful for God's plan for us.
So grateful knowing that no matter what happens, God, in His infinite wisdom, has provided a way for us to be together. I do believe that God is a merciful, loving God, and that He will provide a way for all of us to have those we love when this life is over.
I just ache for those families in Connecticut that had to go through incomprehensible horror. Not only those parents who were dealt the crushing blow of learning their sweet little ones were victims of unconscionable hate, but also those parents who waited in the wings to find out if their babies had made it out okay, only to have to explain something no parent should ever have to explain, and something no child should ever have to comprehend.
But I do think, that amidst the horror of things like this, there comes an undefinable beauty to life, if we choose to find it, to look for it, and to embrace it.
and that, in itself, is undeniable evidence of our Father in Heaven's love for us.
so cool.
~I will never be far away~
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