Crazy how fast five months can go by, and yet how it seems like I've known this tiny little human forever. Seriously, I can't even imagine what life would be like without him. There's a reason for that cliché. Because it rings true to every good parent.
I had a birthday yesterday, so that was fun. Justin got me a hand mixer! which we really needed and will be very helpful. Pauly made me a cake =)
I had a job interview at the hospital which I thought went pretty well.
Well, it went well besides the fact that I was ten minutes late (biggest interview no-no ever).
Did you know that babies can choose when to explode their pants and get it all over their clothes?
Yeah, at the most inconvenient times ever. Like right before a job interview for a job you really, really want.
I guess that's the life you sign up for when you become a mom. And you just do your best to grit your teeth and say, "I'm gonna miss this."
Also, my computer broke. Which is why I haven't blogged as much as I've wanted to lately. The G, H, backspace, 8, and apostrophe are broken. It's really annoying, but thanks to my brother who let me use his computer so I could get my blog fix =)
It's really fun having my brother here with us. Justin loves having him. He is fun and he makes the day not so monotonous. For now. He's gonna be working soon so I'll be back to doing the things mommies do all day. Which is sitting with baby. And playing with cranky baby. And putting said baby to sleep. trying to clean up, get things done, and cooking (which is probably my favorite part of the job, I love cooking).
It's been a busy few days. But I think we're getting back to normal now, so we'll have to start finding things to do.
Whitney came to visit this morning =) So much fun! I just love her, it was really nice to see her.
I've started reading Pride and Prejudice. The Sarah M. Eden regency romance novels have prepared me better for it this time. It's so much easier to get through now, whereas before they were kind of like slogging through mud. I highly recommend Sarah Eden if you haven't read her books before. Her website is here and she's awesome. If you like romance novels. Which I do. (and no, 50 shades of Grey is not romance. It's erotica =p)

Better go take care of that screaming child. I just love him.
~*You're gonna miss this~*
Yeah, I made it to your blog. That is a pretty good picture of me. And it was so fun to see you. I'm glad it will happen more often soon.
me too!! so excited to see you again =)
also, it is a way good picture of you =) sorry for the over-editing of it though haha... I really like editing pictures so i go a little overboard =) it's pretty awesome in the raw too.
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