Sunday, January 27, 2013

You make me happy

I think every girl needs a daddy.
I mean, okay, boys need dads too. Dads help them learn to grow up, to not only be a man, but be a gentleman, and learn all the stuff that men need to know. 
But... well this is what brought this on. I was thinking about my first birthday home from my mission the other day. My dad took me to Wal Mart so that he could buy me a Bruno Mars CD, because that is what I wanted (a year and a half without real music will do that to you). It wasn't there, so he took me to 2 other Wal Marts in different parts of town to find it.
FYI: Wal Mart is the only store that I know of that edits the crap out of their music. Meaning, you don't have to hear unnecessary swearing or vulgarity if you buy  your music there. 
 This is the kind of thing that Daddies will do for their girls. I'm not even a little girl anymore and I still feel like my Dad would do anything for me, and I think all girls need to feel like this. Like they're loved, like they're special, like they deserve someone who would do anything for them. I believe that many of the self esteem issues in the world could be solved by a good dad. And of course, my Daddy would not be nearly as good without my mom. I definitely think there's some truth to the old adage, "Behind every good man is a good woman," whether it be his wife, his mother, both or another good woman, there is some definite wisdom there. Chivalry is not dead. And no one is as chivalrous good dads are to their little girls. 
In other news, we tried cloth diapers this week. For half a day. Definitely a disaster, and only due partially to the diapers. As informed as I try to be about things I do for my son, and as much as I've read about different kind of cloth diapers, I somehow missed a major discussion somewhere that said you need to put a plastic diaper cover over the cloth. Because every person I've talked to about my experience either laughed or shook their heads and said, "you're gonna need to use a plastic cover." Needless to say, huge messes ensued, taking out my pants, Justin's pants, the floor, two of Jackson's outfits, and our couch - twice - in about a 4 hour period. If I can talk my husband into a next time, we are going to try some better quality cloth combined with diaper covers from now on. Only, if the purpose of doing it is because the diaper is more breathable, I don't see how putting plastic over it would be any better than disposable... I guess I'm just a little out of the loop on this one. 
But he's starting to be able to stand on his own, and that's adorable: 

~*We could lay here for hours and just reminisce~*

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