Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is how it works....

Oh Man....
Who knew life would be so confusing.refreshing.wonderful.
I wonder if I'm odd... I think about Houston every day.
at least once a day, a moment will take me back there...
back to riding my bike in the 90% humidity in July.
back to the love I felt for these young women
who I spent every waking hour of every day with
for anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.
Ah. back to the love that I feel for the people there.
But here I am, trying to figure life out.
And you know, I love it just as much.
yeah, it's a little different, but missionary service has given me such a perspective about God's love for me, about life, about all of Heavenly Father's children.
I still do and say dumb things fairly often. I still mess up. But, you know, i feel alot more grounded. alot more myself. Just more confident, I think.
This is good.

*take that love you made. and stick it into some. someone else's heart. pumpin' someone else's blood*

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